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Here at People of Praise, we have ministries to try and help the way we spread the word of God. This helps people to feel welcomed and also encourages our members to share the word of God outside and help their communities gain a closer connection with God!

Children's Ministry

In the Children's Ministry, we encourage and teach young children how to live a life for Christ. Through activities and games, we help to guide children down a path that leads to Christ

Youth Ministry

In the Youth Ministry, we guide young people through a tough and temptation filled period in their lives. We encourage them to stay on the path of God and provide a platform to: learn, communicate and fellowship.

Teen Prayer Group
Intercessors Ministry

An intercessor reminds the Lord of His promises until they are fulfilled. We must know His promises, both the promises found in the scriptures and the promises received by revelation – revelation that is aligned to the Word of God or aligned to the principles of the Word of God.

Prisons Ministry 
Young Offenders
Detention Centre

To show Christ's love for all Young Offends Prisoners and people in detention by coming alongside them and supporting them.

Image by Siviwe Kapteyn
Radio Show
Radio Ministry

Here we share the word of God through the airwaves. We preach on the radio so you can listen and connect with God.

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